Lumsden Valley

Thank you to our supporters

Andy Crooks

André Piasta


Cache Tactical

Esri Canada


Search and Rescue Regina Inc. is a Non-Profit Corporation registered in Saskatchewan.

We rely solely on fundraising events and the support of our community in order to carry out our mission. We use funds to purchase equipment and train our members to be ready for activation on searches, and educate community members so they can stay safe. Our success is due to the contributions of our members and people, businesses and organizations in the community who believe in the importance of our work.

SAR Regina has not yet received charitable status through the Canada Revenue Agency, therefore, we issue receipts, but donations are not income tax deductible. In some cases, they may be a business expense.

You can help us by donating now!

E-transfer funds to or,

Mail a cheque to:
Search and Rescue Regina Inc.
PO Box 32165
RPO Victoria Square
Regina, SK S4N 7L2