SAR Store

Search and Rescue receives no funding, and our volunteers must raise every dollar to purchase equipment and provide training to be ready to bring home the missing. Please support our current fundraising efforts by purchasing Tickcoins, Emergency Whistles, and garden seeds.

Each item is a suggested $5 donation, plus $2 postage and handing per order (not per item).
To order, please email and provide us with your name, mailing address and phone number.
You will receive an order confirmation email, then once payment is made by e-transfer to your order will be mailed to you.


Removes ticks and shopping carts

Tickcoins are super-cool because they release wood ticks and shopping carts. It's a unique-in-the-world SAR Regina original multi-tool! Add one to your key chain, keep them in the car. Attach them to your backpack or purse.

Emergency Whistles

Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

Carry an emergency whistle so you can signal for help if you’re ever stranded or need to alert others. Use them to recall your dog. Be ready for anything, clip them to jacket or backpack, and go.


Our members gathered and packaged seeds from their gardens. Currently available are:

Four O’Clocks
Ground cherries
Hollyhock - black
Hollyhocks - pink
Hubbard squash
Maltese Cross
Milkweed - for Monarch Butterflies)
Morning Glory
Poppy - pink
Poppy - red

Each item is a suggested $5 donation, plus $2 postage and handing per order (not per item).
To order, please email and provide us with your name, mailing address and phone number.
You will receive an order confirmation email, then payment can be made by e-transfer to

Search and Rescue Regina is a provincially registered Non-Profit Corporation. An application to become a federal Registered Charity is in progress. Until that comes through, we cannot issue receipts for tax purposes. If you would like a standard receipt for your donation, in addition to sending the e-transfer, please email the Search and Rescue Regina Treasurer your name, name as it appears on your e-transfer, address, donation amount, and email address.